sorodni izrazi in sinonimi v sodobni slovenščini, hrvaščini in srbščini
Podobnost besed in fraz med rezultati je odvisna od tega, kolikokrat se beseda ali fraza pojavi v podobnem stavčnem kontekstu kot "illuminating".
Podobnost besed in fraz med rezultati je odvisna od tega, kolikokrat se beseda ali fraza pojavi v podobnem stavčnem kontekstu kot "{{ realQuery}}".
Primeri iz korpusa
Korpus Common Crawl
Common Crawl je korpus spletnih strani
It is therefore far more illuminating to think of genes as mechanisms of human nature rather than causes
In illuminating the nature of this shift in consciousness Tolle describes in detail how our current egobased
jst sm ta dvojni gloss ga dobila kak mesec nazaj kot darilo mam odtenek illuminating fucsia men osebno
za nohte so groovy by beauty planet hang over mask essence oil control paperCS lite buffsemi di lino illuminating
Luč je ugledal kot comprehensive compendium of hacker slang illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition
the second ambiental but for some compromise beteween the two would seem perfect worklight strongly illuminating
Some people prefer strong light illuminating every corner of the room and simulating daylight
Jaz sem pa dobila illuminating stick Cynthia Rowley sicer še ga nisem imela kaj dosti priložnosti sprobati
Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to future
plus i'm never without my illuminating radiance products cheeks
tisto eye illuminating na predzadnji strani in najobstojnejša že od zjutri jo imam gor
V tem korpusu ni primerov rabe za ta izraz.