sorodni izrazi in sinonimi v sodobni slovenščini, hrvaščini in srbščini
Podobnost besed in fraz med rezultati je odvisna od tega, kolikokrat se beseda ali fraza pojavi v podobnem stavčnem kontekstu kot "independent".
Podobnost besed in fraz med rezultati je odvisna od tega, kolikokrat se beseda ali fraza pojavi v podobnem stavčnem kontekstu kot "{{ realQuery}}".
Primeri iz korpusa
Korpus Common Crawl
Common Crawl je korpus spletnih strani
leadership but they withdrew after devastating month war that left the southern Russian region de facto independent
guardian telegraph independent
Koda Izberi vseMore specifically Ohm's law states that the in this relation is constant independent of
očitno ni jasno kaj pomeni koncept ozadja background STR je na primer neodvisna od ozadja background independent
results in two charts one for xy and the second for xz layer In the second part of program which is independent
seriji Samo bedaki in konji je Rodney Trotter mlajši del bratske naveze ki je tvorila podjetje Trotter independent
ma lopovi eden za drugim sploh ta popušvili ki se pred mediji postavlja za independent democratic leaderja
is at the most general level the view that the world described by science is the real world as it is independent
Moj max zasluzek ko sem bil independent I Manager contractor na short term contract months je bil h Kaksni
naročnikih in nekaterih državah se posebnih okoliščinah lahko zvezi pojmom neodvisni ocenjevalec vrednosti independent
But this study is neither reliable nor independent
recimo placal za profesionalno in odgovorno projektno vodenje po EUR na dan kolikor lahko recimo ce je independent
team Limit of rpm The threerace lifespan rule voted on November remains in force Cost of engines to independent
teachers include also pupils into the introduction of new topics and stimulate them to be active and independent
V tem korpusu ni primerov rabe za ta izraz.