sorodni izrazi in sinonimi v sodobni slovenščini, hrvaščini in srbščini
Podobnost besed in fraz med rezultati je odvisna od tega, kolikokrat se beseda ali fraza pojavi v podobnem stavčnem kontekstu kot "technology".
Podobnost besed in fraz med rezultati je odvisna od tega, kolikokrat se beseda ali fraza pojavi v podobnem stavčnem kontekstu kot "{{ realQuery}}".
Primeri iz korpusa
Korpus Common Crawl
Common Crawl je korpus spletnih strani
This new engine combines DIG technology and turbocharging to generate hp remarkable hp per liter
Ali pa Soylent the next disruptive technology in human nutrition
AM technology is designed to give gamers access to high display resolutions
Radeon Settings may not show display details for connected displays in AMD XConnect technology mode
Ogledali smo si lahko proizvodnjo standardnih elektronskih vezij Throug hole technology THT in proizvodnjo
FreeFlow ™ Enhanced Cooling Architecture withAI QFan technology
amazing what technology can do
For those of you with more handson approach to making music the revolutionary Remote technology in Reason
dveh pomenih kot informacijskokomunikacijska tehnologija angleškem jeziku information communication technology
Malo nižje na strani je postavka Available technology and features na začetku so procesorji
VMware Fusion also includes cuttingedge technology that enables you to play select DirectX
As the cost of technology decreases these systems will surely become more common throughout the country
Elearning represents learning which is supported by technology
Hey everyone The best way to tell if you have our newest technology is simply the casing
V tem korpusu ni primerov rabe za ta izraz.