sorodni izrazi in sinonimi v sodobni slovenščini, hrvaščini in srbščini
Podobnost besed in fraz med rezultati je odvisna od tega, kolikokrat se beseda ali fraza pojavi v podobnem stavčnem kontekstu kot "communications".
Podobnost besed in fraz med rezultati je odvisna od tega, kolikokrat se beseda ali fraza pojavi v podobnem stavčnem kontekstu kot "{{ realQuery}}".
Primeri iz korpusa
Korpus Common Crawl
Common Crawl je korpus spletnih strani
„Ministère de l'Intérieur, Direction des systèmes d'information et de communications
Increasingly however even small businesses are utilizing WANs as way of increasing their communications
visible light communications - VCL , ki potekajo na srednjih dometih in IrDA infrared data association
Criss head of corporateWorld strategic communications consultancy and former head former head of the
Sistem ima vgrajeno radijsko postajo, GPS, Navstar sistem, ter C3I vmesnik command, control, communications
naslednja evolucijska stopnja ki smo jo že pred časom začeli imenovati poenoteno komuniciranje UC unified communications
have unlawfully produced transition team private materials including privileged communications to the
Is it used for communications
Bob Barnett predsednik Ameritech Mobile communications je poklical Alexandre Graham Bellovega nečaka
na kisti is katere bos dostopu gres start all programs accessories communications pa izberes remote desktop
intended for the detailed agent design and multiagent communities comprise the agent's coexistence and communications
tool for Homeland Security Conflict Reduction International Public Diplomacy and unmediated Government communications
In modern digital communications, encryption is widely employed to protect users from eavesdropping.
Vir Evropska komisija electronic communications market indicators digital agenda scoreboard julij
V tem korpusu ni primerov rabe za ta izraz.