sorodni izrazi in sinonimi v sodobni slovenščini, hrvaščini in srbščini
Podobnost besed in fraz med rezultati je odvisna od tega, kolikokrat se beseda ali fraza pojavi v podobnem stavčnem kontekstu kot "pharmaceuticals".
Podobnost besed in fraz med rezultati je odvisna od tega, kolikokrat se beseda ali fraza pojavi v podobnem stavčnem kontekstu kot "{{ realQuery}}".
Primeri iz korpusa
Korpus Common Crawl
Common Crawl je korpus spletnih strani
GW pharmaceuticals gojijo cannabis iz nje pa tabletke imenovano sativex
marijuana are still mostly unproven in part because the F D A almost never approves the research and the pharmaceuticals
Equipment and fittings for doctor surgery and laboratory dental instruments and products dental materials pharmaceuticals
Odsek za znanosti okolju vstopa projekt Fate and effects of cytostatic pharmaceuticals in the environemnt
Finally in Wallace pharmaceuticals cashed in on the renown of the mysterious Soma by releasing pharmaceutical
Related Articles Concern over pharmaceuticals special offer marketing August The word Sleepwalking July
GW pharmaceuticals so naredili zdravilo bazirajoče na osnovi cannabisa imenovan sativex druga farmacevtska
ponavljajoče besedne zveze hightech agricultural sector stateoftheart industry with worldleading firms in pharmaceuticals
The Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Searle pharmaceuticals
biologijo sta oktobra podpisala pogodbo izvedbi projekta CytoThreat Fate and effects of cytostatic pharmaceuticals
flee and cower when released in Psychotronics Player can no longer lock themselves in the security pharmaceuticals
Najvišja naj bi prišla iz ZDA od družbe Barr pharmaceuticals in sicer so pripravljeni odšteti milijarde
million U S to diversify into pharmaceuticals
The ACIS members are manufacturers of chemicals and chemical products manufacturers of pharmaceuticals
V tem korpusu ni primerov rabe za ta izraz.